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Just because 'the wind to kill ' body body care exists whirlwind week, it is no way to directly burn cheap toms body. Can even so, the ultimate high-temperature flame distribute, or let it unbearable. A hint of burnt smell gradually spread out, and saw the wind to kill the body robes, hair gradually being burned. Wind kill roar loudly, body care cyclone directly burst open, the body will be bound in the outer flame completely Zhensan. Brought up the aftermath, in turn ' thunder beast ' attacks Zhensan issued. Wind kill the image of awkward, almost completely burnt hair, a white coat also browned.

The wind to kill the body has no body care week whirlwind, Lin Qing heart could not help a joy, spiritual energy engulfed in the past. Seeing is necessary to touch the wind to kill the time, a whirlwind from the wind to kill the body poured out again to form a solid barrier. Lin Qing spiritual energy is futile cyclone hit the top of the barrier. Damn, vigilance is too high a bar. Lin Qing heart cursed loudly. ' Thunder beast ' is definitely the most powerful tricks of their own, their own control toms deliberately killed to contain the wind, is to make the next logical attacks, first kill by flame forced air to disperse the cyclone body care, and then use their ' illusion ' toms outlet abilities forced down.

Who knows,toms outlet, from the wind ringing off the hook body care cyclone killed celebrate the release of spiritual energy into the forest, but on one second or so. In such a short time, even can air max 90 react so fast. As a result, Lin Qing heart of this re-evaluation of wind to kill on a higher level. That being the case, only to storm it. Lin Qing heart underground passage, ' thunder beast ' body under Lin Qing idea, actually began the expansion of several interest of time, to a height of Zhang Yu, 56 meters in length monster.


