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Thunderbird 2 meters tall king how and muscular, with long bird head, upper body and some feathers residue behind with long golden wings incite a minor, two bloody eyes staring bitterly Qin days. Thunderbird king 's hands half together, the middle part of the white lightning flashes as if being a confluence toward Qin days bitterly said: bastard, I will kill my people sunglasses online as revenge. Even the dead have today off sunglasses outlet 3, defend the dignity of sunglasses outlet Thunderbird. Heard, Qin days wrinkled brow, looked at the king hand inside Thunderbird lightning and some do not understand, do not even know what to do to prepare Thunderbird king.

This is the Thunderbird family nirvana ' Thunderball '. Qin days inside the brain flash, do not know what it is. But Qin days can be judged from the sound of panic inside Bi Qin This move is definitely a no, but for Bi Qin not how nervous. Qin days between being ready to dodge, Thunderbird Thunderbird commanded several dynasties of the 80 : the power of all of you to give me. Even today Oakley sunglasses outlet killed in the ground which can kill fighters to sunglasses outlet fathers day revenge. Heard,moment to look around, looked at the hands of flashing lightning above the surrounding Thunderbird, Thunderbird toward all the king 's hands away, blink of an eye, to form a spider web -like lightning flash grid in the middle there is a part of the king of birds the size of half a meter ball is expanding the mine.Joke, this is a 80 Thunderbird with hand play out several attacks, and if not so easy to be called anti- down technology than kill it. They may even kill the first time below 2 seconds. Qin Wang Lei Day renowned Thunderbird ball inflated more and more, a teleport, came to the peripheral sub-Dragon defense. Bi Qin Zi Long looked wrinkled and furrowed head, inquired : Bi Qin, this stuff do not dodge it? Qin days think this stuff though sturdy, but is part of a remote attack, should be able to get away.

Can not get away, this is the end of a family than to kill Thunderbird skills. Is locked target. Even sunglasses outlet escape will be catching lightning ball until hit sunglasses outlet or sunglasses outlet the power consumed ball lightning can. Bi Qin frightened eyes filled with nuclear Road, dare not imagine the destruction of a strike in the end what kind of effect that he can not be anti- 3 down how powerful attack. Qin Pitt 's heart even think Thunderbird king bastard has to die suspect. In fact, fear is now time Bi Qin, Qin wait for the next day and I'm really afraid to abandon their child dragon, let yourself go down the destruction of an anti- strike.


