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If for other people to hear this news, for fear that it would have been face downcast ? Yes, it is a going astray ! I am afraid that, in babyliss perfect curl these students inside, he would be the ultimate achievement is the highest it ! But Fred has trained three British and northern Western seven powers, and these jade dynasty of the younger generation of masters, had in Fred's mouth, but also won an ' acceptable ' reviews Bale. If you let other people know, Fred Shi Jun expectations turned out to be so high, I do not know Babyliss would feel?

Fred said: With your talent, if only ordinary practice exercises, it is undoubtedly in a throwaway. babyliss pro perfect curl Thought to want to go, only one set of exercises for you. But before you teach this power law, Babyliss have to consult you. Because this power law is handed down from ancient times, because the age-old and improper preservation and other reasons, this power law is not complete, some incomplete. Once practice, errors will happen is difficult to predict ! So, in the end not to learn this power law, up to you to decide !

Fred says : So, you decide to learn this power law of the ? Shi Jun nodded and said : Yes ! Fred said: Now that you've made ​​a decision, then Babyliss on respect your decision, this set of exercises to teach you right ! Name this power law, called the dead wood Dragons, has a total of eight stages, each stage will have a special blessing. As for what will be some kind of blessing, passed down documented unknown, Babyliss also known. Babyliss Want to tell you is that this dead wood Dragons power law, is one of longchamp five outstanding service in ancient times !


